2nd Regiment of Senegalese Tirailleurs - définition. Qu'est-ce que 2nd Regiment of Senegalese Tirailleurs
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est 2nd Regiment of Senegalese Tirailleurs - définition

Senegalese Tirailleurs         
  • Muslim area of the national cemetery in Amiens (Saint-Acheul) – in the foreground is the tomb of a soldier of the [[45e régiment de tirailleurs sénégalais]] killed in the [[battle of the Somme]]
  • Senegalese Tirailleurs amongst the Honour Guard being inspected by [[Paul Tirard]] and [[Jean Degoutte]] 8 April 1920
  • Légion d'honneur]]'' on 20 January 1916
  • Tirailleurs Sénégalais under the command of [[Jean-Baptiste Marchand]], 1898
  • The flag of the 43rd Battalion of Senegalese soldiers decorated with the fourragère, who fought in the recapture of [[Fort Douaumont]] in October 1916
  • 1930 replica]] of the [[Great Mosque of Djenné]] (Mali), built in the French town of [[Fréjus]] for the use of colonial soldiers
  • Senegalese Tirailleurs serving in France, 1940
  • Monument Demba et Dupont}} in front of the Dakar train station in 2012.
  • Tirailleur from the [[Bambara people]] (Mali) (engraving, 1890)
  • Tirailleurs posing for an autochrome photograph in September 1914
  • 1942, Brazzaville, French Equatorial Africa. A tirailleur who has been awarded the Cross of Liberation by General [[Charles de Gaulle]]
  • municipality of Florina]] in Greece, on 7 March 1918.
Tirailleurs sénégalais; Senegalese tirailleurs; Tirailleurs Sénégalais; Régiment de Tirailleurs Sénégalais du Tchad; Regiment de Tirailleurs Senegalais du Tchad; Tirailleurs Senegalais; Tirailleurs senegalais; Sengalese tirailleurs
The Senegalese Tirailleurs () were a corps of colonial infantry in the French Army. They were initially recruited from Senegal,
2nd Massachusetts Regiment         
23rd Continental Regiment; 2nd Massachusetts Bay Provincial Regiment; Thomas's Massachusetts Regiment
The 2nd Massachusetts Regiment, also known as Thomas' Regiment and Bailey's Regiment, was a unit of the Massachusetts Line in the 1777 establishment of the Continental Army. It was a successor to a number of Massachusetts provincial regiments from the army's 1775 establishment (principally the 2nd Massachusetts Bay Provincial Regiment), and was known as the 23rd Continental Regiment during the 1776 establishment.
2007 Senegalese Senate election         
Indirect Senate elections were held in Senegal on 19 August 2007. Over 13,000"Sénégal: Sénatoriales - le Conseil constitutionnel confirme la victoire du PDS", Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (allAfrica.


2nd Regiment of Senegalese Tirailleurs
The 2nd Regiment of Senegalese Tirailleurs was a regiment composed of African infantry formed by the French Army. It was created by decree on 23 April 1892 as the Régiment de Tirailleurs Soudanais.